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Frequent Questions

What types of motor vehicle claims does your firm handle?

Our legal firm specializes in a wide range of motor vehicle claims, including car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, and more. Whether you were the driver, passenger, or pedestrian involved in a motor vehicle incident, we have the expertise to assist you.

How long do I have to file a motor vehicle claim after an accident?
  1. The statute of limitations for filing a motor vehicle claim varies depending on your location and the specific circumstances of the accident. It's crucial to consult with our legal team as soon as possible after the incident to ensure that you meet all deadlines and preserve your right to compensation.

What types of compensation can I seek in a motor vehicle claim?

In a motor vehicle claim, you may be eligible to seek various types of compensation, including medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and other related damages. Our experienced attorneys will assess your case and pursue the maximum compensation available to you.


How long does it take to resolve a motor vehicle claim?
  1. The timeline for resolving a motor vehicle claim can vary significantly depending on factors such as the complexity of the case, the extent of injuries or damages, and the cooperation of involved parties. While some cases may settle relatively quickly through negotiation, others may require litigation and could take longer to resolve. Our legal team will work diligently to expedite the process while ensuring that your rights are protected.

Do I need to hire a lawyer for my motor vehicle claim?

While you're not legally required to hire a lawyer for a motor vehicle claim, having experienced legal representation can significantly enhance your chances of obtaining fair compensation. Our attorneys have the knowledge, resources, and skills to navigate the complexities of motor vehicle claims, negotiate with insurance companies, and advocate for your best interests.


How much does it cost to hire your firm for a motor vehicle claim?

At our firm, we understand that individuals involved in motor vehicle accidents may be facing financial strain due to medical expenses and lost income. That's why we operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning you won't owe us any legal fees unless we successfully recover compensation on your behalf. Our goal is to provide accessible legal representation to all clients, regardless of their financial situation.


Whether it was your fault; you can still get a free consultation.
